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Linhome shared texts Fix this component to clear its alerts. This translation is locked. 3
Project website
Translation license proprietary Linhome shared texts
Number of strings 193
Number of words 789
Number of characters 5,069
Number of languages 1
Number of source strings 193
Number of source words 789
Number of source characters 5,069
{0} at {1}
{01} {10}
3 years ago
Egyik semNincs
3 years ago

Hello, it relate to media encryption, none meas no media encryption thank you

3 years ago

{0} = Missed/Declined/Accepted {1} = time

3 years ago

Hello, this should be changed only when building custom/derived apps, not inside a linhome translation as changing this will not change the app name on the phone (and neither to store etc etc). but we left it customizable as the app is whilelabel for derived products. Thank you

3 years ago
Someone is ringing your doorbell.
Csengőés a csengéső.
3 years ago
Egyik sem
3 years ago
{appname} accounts can be managed via Linhome's online SIP service. If you change your password or delete your account via the web platform, you will need to disconnect and reconnect your account inside the app to update your credentials.
A(z) {appname}-fiókokat a Linhome online SIP-szolgáltatásán keresztül lehet kezelni. Ha megváltoztatja jelszavát vagy törli a fiókját a webes platformon keresztül, akkor hitelesítő adatainak frissítéséhez le kell választania és újra össze kell kapcsolnia fiókját az alkalmazáson belül.
3 years ago
Your {appname} account {0} has been created. You will receive a validation e-mail shortly. Click on the link you received by e-mail to finalize the creation of your account.
A {appname} fiókja {0} létrejött. Rövidesen megkapja az érvényesítési e-mailt. Kattintson az e-mailben kapott linkre a fiókja létrehozásának befejezéséhez.
3 years ago
{appname} service
{appname} szolgáltatás
3 years ago
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