Translation components API.

See the Weblate's Web API documentation for detailed description of the API.

GET /api/translations/linphone/linphone-android/hu/changes/?format=api&page=28
Content-Type: application/json
Vary: Accept

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            "timestamp": "2021-05-10T08:53:14.607761Z",
            "action": 5,
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            "timestamp": "2021-05-10T08:57:28.684610Z",
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            "timestamp": "2021-05-10T08:58:24.299446Z",
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            "timestamp": "2021-05-10T08:59:16.872856Z",
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            "timestamp": "2021-05-10T09:03:18.485224Z",
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            "timestamp": "2021-05-10T09:04:12.745571Z",
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            "timestamp": "2021-05-10T09:07:50.402349Z",
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            "timestamp": "2021-05-10T09:41:37.409302Z",
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            "timestamp": "2021-05-10T09:42:03.822261Z",
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            "timestamp": "2021-05-10T09:42:55.997974Z",
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            "timestamp": "2021-05-10T09:43:39.167710Z",
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